Free Indeed
By taking care of our bodies, we are better equipped to take care of our minds and souls. Free Indeed emphasizes the importance of holistic wellness in a non-judgmental atmosphere. By incorporating light weights and working out to praise music, you can find motivation and encouragement as you work towards your fitness goals with other like-minded people. We share a common interest in getting healthy, both inside and out, and are able to support one another in not only our own health, but the health and wellbeing of our community through local outreach.
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed”
(John 8:36)

Join Our Workouts
Every Monday & Thursday
in the Worship Center

Light Weight Training
We begin the class with 30 minutes of light weight training to build muscle and increase strength. Weights are provided but you are welcome to bring your own.
Exercise Class
Class continues for another hour with more great Christian music and exercise. If you don't have your own exercise mat, we do have some available.

A Place of Community
"Every day should be a day of worship for believers."
-Pastor Raymond