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God Is Faithful, God Is in Control

Executive Pastor

Genesis 39:19–23 (CSB)9 When his master heard the story his wife told him—“These are the things your slave did to me”—he was furious 20 and had him thrown into prison, where the king’s prisoners were confined. So Joseph was there in prison. 21 But the Lord was with Joseph and extended kindness to him. He granted him favor with the prison warden. 22 The warden put all the prisoners who were in the prison under Joseph’s authority, and he was responsible for everything that was done there. 23 The warden did not bother with anything under Joseph’s authority, because the Lord was with him, and the Lord made everything that he did successful.

Five principles When there seems to be no reason, nor sense to what you as a believer are going through. When you are in the dark.

  1. Don’t be discouraged that you don’t understand or can’t see for the darkness. God is faithful and God is in Control.

Proverbs 3:5–7 (CSB)5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight. 7 Don’t be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil.

Isaiah 50:10–11 (CSB) Who among you fears the Lord and listens to his servant? Who among you walks in darkness, and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord; let him lean on his God.

11 Look, all you who kindle a fire, who encircle yourselves with torches; walk in the light of your fire and of the torches you have lit! This is what you’ll get from my hand: you will lie down in a place of torment.

Genesis 50:20 (CSB)You planned evil against me; God planned it for good to bring about the present result—the survival of many people.

Isaiah 55:8–9 (CSB) “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways.” This is the Lord’s declaration. 9 “For as heaven is higher than earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

  1. Be Faithful No Matter because God is Faithful and God is in Control.

Genesis 39:22–23 (CSB) The warden put all the prisoners who were in the prison under Joseph’s authority, and he was responsible for everything that was done there. 23 The warden did not bother with anything under Joseph’s authority, because the Lord was with him, and the Lord made everything that he did successful.

Gen. 39:2 The Lord was with Joseph, and he became a successful man…, 21 But the Lord was with Joseph and extended kindness to him.

  1. Don’t Allow Bitterness to Fill Your Life because God is Faithful and God is in Control.

Genesis 40:14 (CSB)But when all goes well for you, remember that I was with you. Please show kindness to me by mentioning me to Pharaoh, and get me out of this prison.

Genesis 40:23 (CSB)Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph; he forgot him.

1 Peter 2:20 (NKJV)For what credit is it if, when you are beaten for your faults, you take it patiently? But when you do good and suffer, if you take it patiently, this is commendable before God.

Hebrews 12:15b Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many.

  1. Patient, WilBe ling to Wait Because God is Faithful and God is in Control.

Genesis 40:23 (NLT) Pharaoh’s chief cup-bearer, however, forgot all about Joseph, never giving him another thought.

Genesis 41:46 (NLT)He was thirty years old when he began serving in the court of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. And when Joseph left Pharaoh’s presence, he inspected the entire land of Egypt.

Psalm 37:5–9 (CSB) Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act, 6 making your righteousness shine like the dawn, your justice like the noonday. 7 Be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for him; do not be agitated by one who prospers in his way, by the person who carries out evil plans. 8 Refrain from anger and give up your rage; do not be agitated—it can only bring harm. 9 For evildoers will be destroyed, but those who put their hope in the Lord will inherit the land.

1 Peter 5:6 (CSB) Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you at the proper time,

  1. Keep Your Dreams, don’t let them die because God is Faithful and God is in Control .

Genesis 41:37–44 (CSB)The proposal pleased Pharaoh and all his servants, 38 and he said to them, “Can we find anyone like this, a man who has God’s spirit in him?” 39 So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one as discerning and wise as you are. 40 You will be over my house, and all my people will obey your commands., Only I, as king, will be greater than you.” 41 Pharaoh also said to Joseph, “See, I am placing you over all the land of Egypt.” 42 Pharaoh removed his signet ring from his hand and put it on Joseph’s hand, clothed him with fine linen garments, and placed a gold chain around his neck. 43 He had Joseph ride in his second chariot, and servants called out before him, “Make way!” So he placed him over all the land of Egypt. 44 Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I am Pharaoh and no one will be able to raise his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt without your permission.” Acts 2:17 (NLT) ‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.

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