Luke 2:11-12 “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”
Jesus is the Gift that keeps on giving.
Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
He is God Incarnate: “a child is born.”
John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
He is the Son given.
John 3:16 “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
Jesus was and is a human being! Fully God and fully man. Wholly human and wholly divine.
Hebrews 2:17-18 “he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted”.
Hebrews 4:15-16 “we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need”.
He is not just Savior, he is Lord, ruler over all, particularly over our lives as his children: “the government shall be upon his shoulder”.
If Jesus is more than able to shoulder the weight of the world, he can surely bear your burdens and my burdens!
He is the “Wonderful Counselor”!
His counsel is unfailing and flawless, perfectly suited to the situation, always practical and practical.
Psalm 23:3 “He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.”
Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! 24 And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!
Psalm 138:8 “The LORD will work out his plans for my life— for your faithful love, O LORD, endures forever…”
Psalm 32:8 “The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will counsel you and watch over you. “
He is the “Mighty God”.
Jesus is not only able to give perfect counsel if we seek it; he is also able to supply us with the power to heed it.
We spend too much time trying to solving our problems rather than depending on His almighty power to give us what we need to keep on keeping on.
He is Everlasting Father.
The prophet is not saying that the Son is also the Father which is a heresy denounced in the early church councils.
The word “Father” is a descriptive analogy pointing to Christ’s character.
Psalm 103:13 “The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him.”
He is “the Prince of Peace”! He is the source of all real and true peace.
Ephesians 2:14 says Jesus himself “is our peace”.
John 16:33 “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world”.
Philippians 4:6-7 “Don’t be torn to pieces about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”