Phil Meadows
Senior Adults

I’ve been with The Heights since 1984. My wife, Debbie, and I have been married for 41 years, this December. I have two adult children, Jarrod and Jessiene. I graduated from UNC-Asheville in 1978 where I majored in Biology, of all things. After I accepted Christ as a teenager, I had a hunger for God’s Word. I really enjoyed being a part of the youth small group, discussing the scriptures, fellowshipping together and growing in Christ. I sensed God’s call into ministry and enrolled in Southwestern Baptist Seminary where I received my degree in Education. Many years later, with the encouragement of Raymond Johns and the help of my church, I returned to get my doctorate at SWBTS. For hobbies, I like to play bluegrass banjo and tinker with vintage watches.
(704) 827-8474 ext. 102